Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hotel Zephaniah

As I was reflecting on the class notes from today, it was something pointed out in the commentaries that really struck me. It was from the Africana Commentary regarding the book of Zephaniah.  The writer's concern was the desire for a homogeneous society. She found it very distressing because she comes from a continent debilitated by ethnic cleansing and civil war.

One of the pillars of the social work ethics is the dignity and worth of a person. Every client has it and you are to make every decision based on this seemingly obvious principle.  But it's not so obvious to others in the world. Africa is not the only continent to experience atrocities based on ethnicity or race.

The scary thing is that she is right and people have used verses in the Bible to justify horrific things.  While Zephaniah presents us with an uncomfortable issue, it is important to remember all the more that scripture is to interpret scripture.  We must remember that Zephaniah is one piece of the canon and we must look at it within that place.

As a person who loves other cultures and finds great value in learning from people who are different than me, I find the oracles against the nations in many of the prophetic books distressing as well. However, I cannot deny that this is part of my story and that of every Christian.  God chose Israel first.  The call of Israel from the beginning has been to be a blessing.

I do not necessarily know what to do with passages so damning of others. They are there and it is foolish to erase them or make them seem less daunting. I rest in that fact that God sent Jesus to be the Savior of all and that echoes the blessing of Israel.  God's intent from the beginning was to bring people to saving knowledge of God self. 
And I believe the Holy Trinity sees dignity and worth in every person and we are to reflect that in our lives. 

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