Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A common theme in the latter part of Isaiah is NEWNESS.  God wants to write a new story for his chosen people.  Chapter 43:18-19 says, "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"


One of the goals of social workers is to empower their clients to rewrite their story.  Especially those who were victims of terrible atrocities like rape and abuse.  Instead of seeing themselves as victims, their new story involves redefining themselves as survivors.  Language is important and there is something powerful in the word survivor. It announces that one does not have to continue to be a victim.  There is an activeness about the word.  Rewriting one's story is empowering and transforming.

The RESTORATION language used in Isaiah is a REwriting of the story of the Israelites.  No longer will they be victims. God has not abandoned them. 

RESTORATION is part of the message in the gospels.  The Lord is redeeming. Jesus is restoring. Even death has a different ending. God shows the NEW story through Jesus.  

I think this is part of our call as Christians.  As believers transformed by the power of the story of God's sacrifice, we too share this new hope with others.  Transformed lives transforming others.  

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